Of No Interest
Of No Interest is a two-time outdoor continuous long durational performance program in between different sculptures. Performed once at Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch during Point de Vue, and once at Sectie C in Eindhoven during Wild-C. This programme initiated by me commissioned by CBK 's-Hertogenbosch is executed by different artists including myself, different performers, dog-owners, animals, plants and the audience. The program consists of the performance 'Of No Interest' by me where two synchronized swimmers sit on different sculptures to eat a plate of spaghetti while an audio fragment is played of an american student interviewing Joseph Beuys about sensation in art, followed by the song 'Sonne Statt Reagan' by Joseph Beuys. In a party tent I give a PowerPoint presentation on art and ideology. Trijnie Nanninga gives a fashion show performance in animal costumes, a group of dog owners let's their dogs run over, jump on, sit on, and underneeth the sculptures. The audience executes different 'readymade performances' and 'one minute scultpures' presented like paper wad snacks on tables. And there is a doggy dance performance. With sculptures by Luuk van den Broek and Bob Schiller, Willem Claassen, Paul Geelen, Tim Hoefnagels, Theodora Kotsi, Sil Krol, Diego Sindbert & Robert Lombarts, Florian de Visser and Germen Zoer. The program Of No Interest exposes the diffuse and unnecessary separation between nature and culture -that Wild-C cites- but mostly questions the role of the autonomous artist when he is asked to organize an event. An art work disguised as an event, commissioned by the CBK 's-Hertogenbosch.
Of No Interest is a two-time site specific long durational performance event, as part of the nomadic collaborative project Wild-C by MU Eindhoven with KOP Breda, Kunstpodium T Tilburg, CBK 's-Hertogenbosch, BKKC and Sectie-C. Wild-C is an itinerant group of sculptures around which different events take place during the summer of 2012. The event Of No Interest took place once at Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch during Point de Vue, and once at Sectie C in Eindhoven. Of No Interest questions the diffuse and unnecessary separation between nature and culture -that Wild-C cites- but mostly questions the role of the artist when asked to organize such an event.
Of No Interest show works by different artists including myself. The program consists of the performance Of No Interest by me, executed by two dancers, the performance Roeren in een Onbestemde Soep, by me, different 'readymade performances' by me, executed by the audience, different 'one minute sculptures' by me, executed by the audience, a performance without a name, by me, executed by a group of dog-owners and their dogs, a performance by Trijnie Nanninga and sculptures by Luuk van den Broek and Bob Schiller, Willem Claassen, Paul Geelen, Tim Hoefnagels, Theodora Kotsi, Sil Krol, Diego Sindbert & Robert Lombarts, Florian de Visser and Germen Zoer.
Of No Interest is also the name of one of the performances that was part of the event.
In the performance Of No Interest two synchronized swimmers sit on the different sculptures of Wild-C to share a plate of spaghetti while an audio fragment is played of an American student interviewing Joseph Beuys about sensation in art, followed by the song 'Sonne Statt Reagan' by Joseph Beuys.